Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/190

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The Goddess

"Call one—do. I will give him the bills, with an explanation of what they are, pointing out to him that you will presently have to stand your trial on a charge of conspiracy; and that, also, you are disagreeably associated with a case of murder."

"The man's stark mad. I never heard any one talk like he does—never!"

"Possibly you are not aware that Edwin Lawrence was murdered last night."

"Edwin Lawrence murdered?"

The man turned a greenish hue.

"Beyond doubt his death was the direct result of the crime which you incited him to commit. The whole story's known. I heard myself, this morning, a confession from the lips of the miserable tool who actually concocted the fraudulent documents. You will find him quite willing to turn Queen's Evidence. The bills will be produced in Court, when you will have an opportunity to tell your story."

He put his hand up to his collar, as if it had suddenly become tight.

"It's a lie that Edwin Lawrence was murdered last night. It's a lie."

"By the way, sir, what is your name?"

"What's it to do with you?"

"Chancing to notice in your letter-case some visiting-cards, I ventured to abstract one. We