Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/197

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My Unpersuasive Manner

"Indeed. What is your cousin's name?"

"Mary—Miss Mary Ferguson. She was here a few days ago, and, as her nose bled very badly, she left her cloak behind."

My wits were wool-gathering. It was the first invention I could think of.

"And were these marks upon the cloak made by your cousin's nose bleeding?"


"She must have almost bled to death. Did a blood-vessel break?"

"No, I don't think so."

"You don't think so?"

"That is, I'm sure. She has suffered very badly from bleeding at the nose her whole life long; some people do—as you are perhaps aware."

"How long is it since she was your visitor?"

"Oh, some days. Quite a week—if not more."

"Is that so? It's odd that the blood should have continued in a liquid state so long. Some of it is not dry yet"

"Well, perhaps it wasn't so long as that."

"So I should imagine."

"If you'll give it to me I'll pack it up and send it to her at once. I meant to have done so before."

"Let me have her address, and I will send it