Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/219

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I leave the Court

"I say that I was not disturbed by any one."

"I see. You are particular about the form in which the question is put. I will alter it. I ask you—did any one come through your bedroom window after you had retired to rest?"

"I decline to answer. It's no business of yours. I suppose I can have what visitors I choose."

"Do you suggest that the visit was intended for you—in your bedroom, alone, at that hour of the night? Consider what your suggestion implies.

"I never said that any one came."

"You as good as said so. But we will have it from you in another form. Who was it, Mr. Ferguson, who came through your bedroom window?"

Beads of perspiration were already standing on my forehead.

"I have told you," I shouted, "that I decline to answer!"

Jordan turned to the coroner.

"Perhaps you will allow me to explain, Mr. Coroner, that the police are in possession of a body of evidence which tends to implicate a particular person. This fact the witness is aware of and resents. He has not only thrown obstacles in the way of the police, but has gone so far as