Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/317

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F. V. WHITE & CO., PUBLISHERS THOMAS (ANNIE). Sssentially Human. 6«. WABDEH (TLOHEHCB). A Lowly Lover. 6«. I Girli WiU be Girls. 6«. WXNTSB (JOHN 8THAHOB). A Name to Oonjure With. <•. A Summer Jaunt. 3t, 6d. Heart and Sword. 6«. and 2t. M. The Price of a Wife. 3«. ed. and a<. The Peacemakers. 2t. ed. Everybody's Favourite. 3«. 6d. and2ff. Into an Unknown World. St. M. and2t. The Stranffe Story of Hy Life. 2t. M. and 2t, Truth Tellers. 2«. A Maffniflcent Tounff Han. 3t. 6d. and 3«. A Blameless Woman. 2t. M, and 3l. A Bom Soldier. 2t. 6d. and 2t, A Seventh Child. a«. ed. and 2t. The Soul of the Bishop. 2«. 64. and2«. Aunt Johnnie. 2«. 6d. and 2«. Hy Oeoir. 3c. ed. and 3«. The Binks Family, u. Sentimental Haria. it. The Same Thinff with a Diifer- ence. it. I Harried a Wife. (ProAisely nine. trated.) U, Private Tinker ; and other Stoiiea. (Profusely ninstrated.) U, The HaJor's Favourite. U, The Stranger Woman, it. Bed Goats. (Proftiaely Illnstrated.) It. A Han's Han. it. That Hrs. Smith, it. Three Girls, it. Here Luck. it. The Soldier and the Lady. it. Lumley the Pahiter. it. Good-Bye. it. Only Human. St. 6d. and St. The Other Han's Wife. st. 6d. and St. Army Society. St. A Sieve Baby. St. ed. and St. Beautiful Jim. St.6d.andSt. Garrison Gossip. St. 6d. and St. Hrs. Bob. St. 6d. and St. A Gay Little Woman, it. A Seaside FUrt. it. The Troubles of an Unlucky Boy. It. Grip. It. I Loved Her Once. it. He Went for a Soldier, it. Ferrers Oourt. it. A Little Fool. it. Buttons. It. Booties* OhUdren. (lUnrtnied.) it. The Oonfessions of a Publisher* It. Hy Poor Dick. (lUostrated.) it. That Imp. it. Hiffnon's Secret, it. Hiffnon's Husband, it. On Harch. it. In Quarters, it. In the Same Beffiment. it. Two Husbands, it. TOUiAND (B.). In Days of Strife. 6t. Histress Bridget. 6t. Sarolta's Verdict. 6t. 14, BEDFORD STREET, STRAND, W.C. Digitized by VjOOQ IC