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F. V. WHITK & CO., PUBLISHKRS Popular Novels at Three Shillins:s and Sixpence. la 1 ToU Ototb out, Piloe 8a. 6d. aaelu ▲l«tt* : « TaU of Boer loTaiioiL B7 Bbitkax If itfou>. Th» Bmpire MMkmrmi « Bomanoe of AdTentore and War in South Africa. By Hun KlflBBT. The Oirl at SiverlUld Kanor. 67 PaBBisoToir Pbimk. The Veiled ICan. Bj Wiluax Lb Quinx. (niiutratod.) If Sixmere Bntioe Thee. By tb« aame Aatbor. John Ames— Natiye Oommiesioner. By Bbktbax Mino&D. (lUostrated.) The Weird of Deadly Hollow. By tho tame Author. (Illiistrated.) The Buby Sword. By the same Author. (Ulnstrated.) The Qold Finder. Bty Gioiait Gbifvith. (With Frontispiece.) Briton or Boer P By the lame Author. The Destined Kaid. By the same Author. Vor Liberty. By Hun Kubst. (With Frontispiece.) The Bevenffe of Valerie. By the stme Author. Handsome Phil. By Mrs. J. H. Riddbll. A Splendid Sin. Bj Obabt Allbv. A Sweet Sinner. Bj Humb Nisbbt. Oomrades of the Black Gross. By the same Author. The Bye of Istar. By Wixxiax Lje Qubux. Whoso Findeth a Wife. By the same Author. Scribes and Pharisees. 9y the same Author. In Vallombrosa. 97 Adbumb SBsaBAxr. The Oreat War in Bnffland in 1897. By William Lb Qubux. (Illnstrated.) Zoraida. By the same Author. (Illustrated.) The Bomance of Oolden Star. 3y Obo. GBimxK. (Illustrated.) The Bebel Chief. Bj Hum Kisbbt. (Illustrated t^ the Author.) A Desert Bride : a Story of Adventure in India and Persia. By Huxb lUiaBBT. (With Illustrations by the Author.) A Bush GKrPs Bomance. By Hukb Nisbbt. (With Illustrations by the Author.) Honsekeepinff: a Guide to Domestic Management. By Mrs. Humphbt O'Madse." of Truth). The Queen's Desire : a Bomance of the Indian Mutiny. By Humb Nisbbt. (With Illustrations 1^ the Author.) Two Cousins and a Castle. By Mrs. Lotett Cambbok. A Handful of Trumps. By J. James Hbwsox. 14, BEDFORD STREET, STRAND, W»q, Digitized by VjOOQ IC