Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/322

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10 F. V. WHITE & CO., PUBLISHERS ONE SHILLING NOVELS. tn Paper Covers. The Soldier and the Lady. By Jomr 8t«ato« Wihtkb. The Binke Family. 97 the same Author. The Sentimental Karia. By the ewne Author. Two Hnebande. By the Mune Author. In the Same Beffiment. By the nme Author. A Seaside Flirt. 9y the same Author. A Oay I*ittle Woman. By the same Author. The Troublee of an XJnlnoky Boy. By the same Author. Grip. By the same Author. The Same Thinff with a DifTerence. By the same Author. I Loved Her Once. By the same Author. I Married a Wife. By the same Author. Private Tinker, and Other Stories. By the same Author. (lUastrated.) The Major's Favourite. By the same Author. The Stranger Woman. By the sune Author. Bed Ooate. By the same Author. | A Man's Man. By the same Author. That Mrs. Smith. By the same Author. Three Oirls. By the same Author. | Mere Luck. By the same Author. Lumley the Painter. By the same Author. OK>od-bye« By the same Author. He Went for a Soldier. By the same Author. Ferrers Court. By the same Author. Buttons. By the same Author. A Little Fool. By the same Author. My Poor Dick. By the same Author. (Illustrated by Mauriob GsKmnHHAOBV.) Booties' Children. By the same Author. (Illustrated by J. Bbbnabo pABTxnws.) The Confessions of a Publisher. By the same Author. Mifimon's Husband. By the same Author. That Imp. By the same Author. | Mignon's Secret. By the same Aotbor. On March. By the same Author. I In Quarters. By the same Author. Dorcas Dene, Detective. By G. R. Sims. Dorcas Dene, Detective. (Second Series.) By the same Author. The Mystery of a Woman's Heart. By Mrs. Edwabd Kenkard. A Quide Book for Lady Cyclists. By the same Author. Continental Chit Chat. By Mabel Huxbbbt. Piscatorial Patches. By Mabtin Pbsoadob. The Blue Diamonds : a Tale of Ceylon. By Lbua Boustbad. A Near Thinff. By H. Gdkbeblakd Bbntlbt. The Portrait of a Woman. By Cosko Clabkb. Bailway Sketches. By Mabt F. Cboss. Secrets of Monte Carlo. By William Lb Qubdx. Briton or Boer P Br Gbobob Gbitfith. 14, BEDFORD STREKT, STRAND, "W.G, Digitized by VjOOQ IC