Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/34

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Mrs. Peddar has her rooms at the top of the building—on the seventh floor. The lift runs all night. It had been my intention, rather than summon it and attract the attention of the porter, to have climbed the endless flights of stairs; but, as luck had it, when I reached the staircase the lift was setting some one down. Since it was there I thought I might as well use it, to save time, and also my legs. I stepped inside.

"Up or down, sir?"

"I am going up to Mrs. Peddar."

The porter favoured me with a doubtful glance.

"Mrs. Peddar lives at the top of the building. She's in bed long ago."

"So I suppose. Tm afraid, however, that I shall have to wake her up again, as I am in urgent need of her assistance."

"Anything wrong, sir?"

"No. At least nothing in which you could be of service."