Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/99

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Recognition of the Photograph

"There is my name. The lady who is the original of that portrait has met with an accident. I did not know that she was Miss Moore until you told me, but it is important that I should be able to communicate with her friends at once."

"An accident? I am sorry to hear that Miss Moore has met with an accident. If you will wait a moment I will make inquiries."

The assistant disappeared; presently returning with an older man, who examined my card as he came. He addressed me:

"You are Mr. Ferguson?"

"I am."

"You say that Miss Moore has met with an accident?"

"I do."

"What is its nature?"

"That I am not at liberty to tell you. I can only say that it is of the first importance that I should be able to communicate with her friends without delay."

He hesitated, considering me attentively; then he gave me the information I required.

"Miss Moore lives with Miss Adair, who, as you perhaps know, is also acting at the Pandora Theatre. The address is 22, Hailsham Road, The Boltons, Brompton."

As I sped towards Brompton in a hansom, I tried to assimilate the tidings I had just received.