Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/1756

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NATO Nuclear Planning Breakfast

Sir Bernard Burrows

Permanent Representative-United Kingdom

Hon. Robert F. Ellsworth

Permanent Representative-United States

The Hon. Sukru Elekdag

Deputy Secretary General for NATO Affairs-Turkey

Admiral Sir Nigel Henderson

Charman of the NATO Military Committee-United Kingdom

Lt. General Georges Vivario

Chief of General Staff of Belgian Armed Forces-Belgium

General Kurt Ramberg

Chief of Defense-Denmark

General Ulrick de Maiziere

Chief of the Armed Forces-Germany

General Guide Vedovato

Chief of General Staff of Defense-Italy

Major General Atif Ercikan

Turkish Representative to the Military Committee-Turkey

Sir Charles Elworth

Marshal, Royal Air Force, Chief of Defense Staff-United Kingdom

General Andrew J. Goodpaster

Supreme Allied Commander Europe

Admiral Ephraim P. Holmes

Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic

Mr. Kenneth Nash

Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Defense Planning and Policy-United Kingdom

Hon. Emil Mosbacher, Jr.

Chief of Protocol

Hon. Henry A. Kissinger

Assistant to the President

Colonel James D. Hughes

Armed Forces Aide to the President

Colonel James D. Hughes

Armed Forces Aide to the President

Hon. G. Warren Nutter

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

Hon. Daniel Z. Henkin

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

General Lewis W. Walt

Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps

Mr. Richard A. Ware

Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs