Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/77

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The White House
President Richard Nixon's Daily Diary
(See Travel Record for Travel Activity)
Place Day Began Date (Mo. Day. Yr.) 
February 10, 1969
Key Biscayne, Florida TIMEDAY
A.M. Monday


In Out Lo LD
The President worked alone at his residence during the morning.
2:29 2:51
The President departed his residence for the helio pad and from there flew to Homestead Air Force Base.

3:02 5:09
The President flew from Homestead Air Force Base to Andrews

Air Force Base. For a list of those who accompanied him in

Air Force One, see APPENDIX "A ".
5:20 5:29
The President flew by helicopter from Andrews Air Force Base to the South Lawn of the White House.
5:32 5:50
The President was in his office.
5:52 6:40
The President went to the barber shop and then to the Mansion.
8:05 10:40
The President hosted a dinner in honor of Robert G. Menzies.
Other guests were:
Keith Waller
William P. Rogers
Henry A. Kissinger
Herbert Brownell
Thomas E. Dewey
Thomas S. Gates
Arthur Krock
G. Gould Lincoln
Robert T. Murphy
Walter Trohan
Frederic k R. Kappel {unable to attend}
The President retired.