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earthly things as the wicked commonly poſſeſs. This made David almoſt ſtumble, but when he had better conſidered, he greatly rejoiced. For. as our bleſſed Lord confeſſed that his kingdom was not of this world, we may well believe that thoſe whom he loves ſhould not have their portion here, but receive it in the kingdom prepared for them, in all fulneſs of joy and bleſſedneſs, even the riches of Chriſt ſhall be their part. Then they may truly say their lot is fallen in a fair land, the Lord is their heritage, even the Lord of glory the King of ſaints and angels, who has ſubdued death and the grave, who died and roſe again that he might become Lord both of the living and the dead. And in this caſe the Chriſtian may aſſure himſelf with holy David : 'The Lord is my ſhepherd, I ſhall not want: He maketh me lie down in green paſtures ; he leadeth me beſide the ſtill waters. He reſtoreth my ſoul, he leadeth me in the paths of righteouſneſs, for hiſ name’s ſake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the ſhadow of death, yet I will fear no evil. For thou art with me, and thy rod and thy ſtaff ſhall comfort me. Thou prepared; a table for me in