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you have riches and honour ; it is to be found in the other hand. Would you aſpire to true greatneſt? here you have a crown, not for a time, but for e ver and ever. 'Be thou faithful unto 'death, and I will give thee a crown of ‘life, ſays our bleſſed Lord and Saviour. Would you be a king? here is a kingdom worthy of the higheſt ambition, where you shall reign with our bleſſed Lord, not only for an age, but endleſs ages, even to all eternity, as kings and prieſts. Would you have joy and comfort? here it is, for holy David witneſſeth, ‘Thou wilt ſhew me the path of life, in thy preſence is fulneſs of joy, and at thy right hand are pleaſures for evermore,’ Pſal. xvi. 12 Would you have wherewithal to refresh you? here flows the river of the waters of life; here’s the heavenly manna, the ſpiritual food of angels. Would you be always in light? here needs no ſun by day, nor noon by night ; the Lamb is the lamps, and the light of his countenance fills the
manſions ot eternity with daſſling glory and rays of brightneſs, tranſcending all the brightneſs this world is carable of, far beyond what the ſun affords, when ſhining in his full luſtre.