Page:RidersOfSilences - Max Brand.djvu/192

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"Then let's go at once. The railroad——"

"Not that way. No one in that house suspects me now. We'll go back and put on our masks again, and—hush, what's there?"


"There is—a man's step.

And she, seeing the look on his face, covered her eyes in nameless horror. When she looked up a great form was looming through the dark, and then the voice of Wilbur came, hard and cold.

"I've looked everywhere for you. Miss Brown, they are anxious about you in the schoolhouse. Will you go back?"


But Pierre commanded: "Go back."

So she turned, and he ordered again: "I think our friend has something to say to me. You can find your way easily. To-morrow——"

"To-morrow, Pierre?"


"I shall be waiting."

With what a voice she said it! And then she was gone.

He turned quietly to big Dick Wilbur, on whose contorted face the moonlight fell.

"Say it, Dick, and have it out in cursing me, if that 'll help."

The big man stood with his hands gripped hard behind him, fighting for self-control.

"Pierre, I've cared for you more than I've cared for any other man. I've thought of you like a kid brother. Now tell me that you haven't done this