Page:Rigoletto, composed by Verdi, with an English version and the music of the principal airs.djvu/17

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Air. Gilda.

\header {
  tagline = "" % no footer
\score { { <<
{ \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "voice" { \relative c'' {
        \language "english"
        \time 4/4
        \key e \major
        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 80
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"lead 6 (voice)"
        \partial 8*3 r8 e8. (ds16) |
        cs8 r b r a r gs r |
        fs2. ds'8. \noBeam (cs16) |
        b8 r a r gs r fs r |
        e2. gs'8. \noBeam (fs16) |
        e8 r ds r cs r b r |
        fs2. ds'8. \noBeam (cs16) |
        b8 r a r gs r fs r |
        e2. gs8. \noBeam (as16) |
        b8 r cs4 b8 r cs4 |
        b2. gs8. \noBeam (as16) |
        b8 r cs8. \trill bs32 cs ds8 r e8. \trill ds32 e32 |
        fs2. gs8. \< \noBeam (fs16) |
        fs8 \! \> \noBeam (e4) \noBeam ds8 \grace{e16} ds8 \trill \! (cs16) r \grace{ds16} cs8 \trill b16 r |
        fs2. ds'8. \noBeam (cs16) |
        cs8 \noBeam (b4) a8 \grace{b16} a8 \turn (gs16) r \grace{a16} gs8 \turn (fs16) r |
        e2 r |
        r2. fs16 [(as)] \noBeam cs (e) |
        ds8-. \noBeam ds-. ds-. \noBeam ds-. b2 |
        r8 fs16 \noBeam fs \noBeam fs \noBeam fs \noBeam fs \noBeam fs fs'2 ~ |
        fs4 ~ fs8 [e ds cs] \grace{b4 bs cs} gs'8.-> \noBeam (fs16) |
        fs [(ds)] ds [(e)] e [(b)] b [(cs)] |
        cs8.-> (b16) \times 2/3 {b8 ([a] gs)} |
        fs4 a'4. (gs8) \noBeam fs (e) |
        e16 [ds as' b] c [a fs ds] c [b] as [(b)] gs [(a)] fs [(b)] |
        \partial 2*4 e,2
        \bar "||"
      } }
>> }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" { <<
    { \markup{\italic{Caro}} \markup{\italic{no}} -- \markup{\italic{me}} \markup{\italic{che il}} \markup{\italic{mio}} \markup{\italic{cor}}
    \markup{\italic{Festi}} \markup{\italic{pri}} -- \markup{\italic{mo}} \markup{\italic{pal}} -- \markup{\italic{pi}} -- \markup{\italic{tar,}}
    \markup{\italic{Le de}} -- \markup{\italic{li}} -- \markup{\italic{zie}} \markup{\italic{dell'}} \markup{\italic{a}} -- \markup{\italic{mor}}
    \markup{\italic{Mi dèi}} \markup{\italic{sem}} -- \markup{\italic{pre}} \markup{\italic{ram}} -- \markup{\italic{men}} -- \markup{\italic{tar!}}
    \markup{\italic{Con pen}} -- \markup{\italic{sier}} \markup{\italic{il}} \markup{\italic{mio}} \markup{\italic{de}} -- \markup{\italic{sir}}
    \markup{\italic{A te}} \markup{\italic{sem}} -- \markup{\italic{pre}} _ _ \markup{\italic{vo}} -- \markup{\italic{le}} _ _ -- \markup{\italic{rà,}}
    \markup{\italic{E fin}} \markup{\italic{l' ul}} -- \markup{\italic{ti}} -- \markup{\italic{mo}} \markup{\italic{so}} _ -- \markup{\italic{spir,}}
    \markup{\italic{Caro}} \markup{\italic{no}} -- \markup{\italic{me,}} \markup{\italic{tuo}} \markup{\italic{sa}} -- \markup{\italic{rà.}}
    \markup{\italic{Col}} \markup{\italic{pen}} -- \markup{\italic{sier}} \markup{\italic{il}} \markup{\italic{mio}} \markup{\italic{de}} -- \markup{\italic{sir}}
    \markup{\italic{A}} \markup{\italic{te}} \markup{\italic{sem}} -- \markup{\italic{pre}} \markup{\italic{vo}} -- \markup{\italic{le}} -- \markup{\italic{rà,}} _ _ _
    \markup{\italic{E fin}} \markup{\italic{l' ul}} -- \markup{\italic{ti}} -- \markup{\italic{mo}} _ \markup{\italic{mio}} \markup{\italic{so}} -- \markup{\italic{spir,}}
    \markup{\italic{Ca}} -- \markup{\italic{ro}} \markup{\italic{no}} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \markup{\italic{me,}} \markup{\italic{tuo}} \markup{\italic{sa}} -- \markup{\italic{rà.}} }
  \new Lyrics {
    \set associatedVoice = "voice"
    Dear name, with -- in this breast
    Thy mem' -- ry will re -- main;
    My love, for thee con -- fess'd,
    No pow -- er can re -- strain.
    Ah! yes, 'tis bliss to own
    The joy that _ _ fills my _ _ heart;
    'Twill beat for thee _ a -- lone—
    Till death 'twill ne'er de -- part!
    'Twill _ beat for thee a -- lone—
    Ah! till death 'twill ne'er de -- part! _ _ _
    'Twill beat, 'twill beat for thee a lone,—
    Ah! till death _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'twill ne'er de -- part.
  >> }
>> }
\layout { }
\midi { }

[Sale al terrazzo con una lanterna, che tosto entra in casa.
Entrano Marullo, Ceprano, e Borsa, Cortigiami, armati e mascherati, dalla via.
Bor. È là. [Indicanda Gilda.
Cep. È là. Miratela—
Coro. È là. Miratela—Oh! quanto è bella!
Mar. Par fata od angiol!
Coro. Par fata od angiol! L'amante è quella

Di Rigoletto?

Entra Rigoletto, concentrato.
Rig. Di Rigoletto? (Riedo! perche?)
Bor. Silenzio, all' opra, badate a me.
Rig. (Ah da quel vecchio fui maledetto!)

Chi è là?

Bor. [Ai Compagni.] Tacete, c'è Rigoletto.
Cep. Vittoria doppia!—L'uccideremo.
Bor. No: chè domani piu rideremo.
Mar. Or tutto aggiusto.
Rig. Or tutto aggiusto. (Chi parla quà?)
Mar. Ehi, Rigoletto?—di'?
Rig. [Con voce terribile.] Chi va là?
Mar. Eh, non mangiarci—son—

[She ascends the terrace, with a lantern in her hand.
Enter Marullo, Ceprano, and Borsa, accompanied by Courtiers, in Masks, and armed.
Bor. Look there! [Pointing towards Gilda.
Cep. Look there! Ah! there she is—
Coro. Look there! Ah! there she is—Oh! how beautiful she is!
Mar. A fairy or an angel!
Coro. A fairy or an angel! Can that the mistress be
Of Rigoletto? [They all laugh.
Enter Rigoletto, absorbed in thought.
Rig. Of Rigoletto? (Laughing! what can it mean?)
Bor. Silence, to our work—we've no time for laughing.
Rig. (Ah! how fiercely that old man curs'd me!)

Who is there?

Bor. [To his Companions.] Be silent, 'tis Rigoletto.
Cep. A double capture!—We can also slay him.
Bor. No: to-morrow it will make more sport.
Mar. But now everything is ready.
Rig. But now everything is ready. (Who is speaking there?)
Mar. Is't you, Rigoletto—say.
Rig. [Considerably agitated.] Who goes there?
Mar. You will not betray us—I am—