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Trails to Two Moons

the sense of Original's blunt innuendo of cowardice leveled at Zang, but still some protective instinct stronger than her wrath forced her to continue to stave off the inevitable deadly speaking of the guns which she could loose any instant by retreating from her doggedly held place in front of Whistler.

"Why have you come here?" she mastered herself sufficiently to demand in a voice choking with rage. "What do you want this time?"

"Nothing very much, lady," Original answered, with his unwavering smile. "Name 's Zang Whistler, the same which is mentioned plenty an' various in grand-jury indictments found down to the court in Two Moons ever since there was a court. Grand larceny 's the brand I think those grand juries 've hung on to Zang."

Whistler put in a word. He had fully regained his customary poise of easy confidence. He consciously matched his tone with Original's soft drawl:

"Figure to take me to jail, Original?"

"That 's my aim, Zang. Soon 's I saw the prints of your little hoss round here t'other day I reckoned here was an easier place to get you than over in the Spout."