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Trails to Two Moons

stance of the rope; the girl was struck by the note of patience and kindliness in the man's voice, for in a similar task she would have lost her temper and failed of her purpose. Zang came back presently, leading the stray and with the second runaway meekly following after.

"Somethin' queer about this, 'specially away out here," he said as he threw one leg over his saddle and prepared to lead the roped horse. "That other bronc who 's playin' mousey has no saddle but a bridle on; this willowtail 's rigged right down to a muley in the stocking." A note of doubt crept into his voice. "Wonder if anybody moseyin' round the Spout met up with one of my boys an' had some sort of rukus."

"Look over there!" Hilma exclaimed and she pointed off to the west. Zang followed the direction she indicated and saw a small yellow spark against the blackness.

"That 's the fella who 's afoot," Zang explained. "He 's just beddin' down for the night until he can catch up his horse come daylight. Ye-ah, but if it 's one of the Spout boys he 'd know enough not to make a light away from home; we don't hang out a sign if night