Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/149

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Trails to Two Moons

"Be of good cheer, daughter!" he boomed in his storm voice. "For vengeance is in thy hands. Yea, through Alpheus, servant of the Lord, is the murderer delivered into the hands of the fatherless."

Hilma looked from the towering figure of the prophet over to where Zang stood behind a bound figure; a wide smile split the outlaw's features. Uncle Alf helped the girl to dismount and led her by the hand to where the trussed man lay on his side. With a lift of his foot he turned the inert figure over so that his face was revealed by the firelight. The girl looked down upon a blotched and scowling mask of animal ferocity; little eyes heavily overhung with puffed lids glared at her like the eyes of a trapped wolf; under a ragged mustache bestial lips parted to show yellow fangs.

"Well," snarled the Killer, "you blat, you mutton lover!"

The taunt galvanized the girl out of the shock recognition had carried. She screamed in fury and dropped with her knees on the Killer's chest. Her crooked fingers darted for his venomous little eyes. Before Zang's strong grip closed about her wrists wicked slashes of