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Trails to Two Moons

"To get down to hard facts, Blunt, I 'm here to give you orders. You 'll find this letter vouches for me and all I may direct. Immediately you are to begin working quietly among the cow-punchers and foremen on this range, picking the most careful men of your acquaintance and organizing them into a force that can be relied upon. Certain men are now down in New Mexico and Texas rounding up other men of action. When the time is ripe these men will be thrown into the Big Country to do certain work. Your men will be ready to coöperate with them. But first," Von Tromp waved an emphasizing forefinger, "first, before the competent men come up from the South, you have something else to do. You are to attempt to clean up the gang of outlaws in Teapot Spout."

"I was aimin' to do that partic'lar thing soon 's I could put ten or a dozen good men at my back," Original volunteered. "I 've got reasons strong and particular for wanting that Spout cleaned up."

Von Tromp again turned upon the range rider his oily smile.

"But here is the most important part of your instructions, Blunt. Attempt to clean