Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/169

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Trails to Two Moons

"Zang, I never go back on a promise. I have promised to come back to you at the Spout. Won't you wait for me there?"

"What 's more," the man continued as if he had not heard her, "I 'm not taking chances on you an' Uncle Alf piloting this skunk down Main Street alone. You can shoot, but Uncle Alf 's not sure. I got my left hand still ready for business in case some of these cow outfits should start a rush before we get to the jail. Let 's be moving."

He arranged the order of march: Uncle Alf, unarmed, leading; Hilma, with the Killer's rifle, preceding the prisoner; himself covering the rear. So they traversed the two divides separating them from town and at a walk crossed the Poison Spider bridge. The wilderness road suddenly became Main Street. They were in Two Moons. Three long blocks away the bulk of the courthouse pointed destination.

Zang drew his .45 and held it ready on the horn of his saddle. He addressed the Killer in front of him:

"Just one sign of a break an' you get a slug between the shoulders. If any roach-maned friend of yours on the sidewalk starts dealin' himself into this game you get that