Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/178

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Trails to Two Moons

purty long spell of work," Zang drawled. Agnew accompanied the outlaw out of the room.

"Well?" queried Zang, when they had walked down a hallway out of earshot of the dining room.

"Nothing to it, Zang. I 'll have to lock you up," Agnew declared heavily. "You sorta caught me between wind and water riding into town this way. What was the main idea? You know I haven't been wearing myself to a frazzle trying to serve any warrants out against you—and I 've got enough to paper a room with."

"Well, you see, Red, I just had to do it. That girl——"

"Oh, I savvy! Well, I don't rightly blame you, Zang. Fella would ride plumb into a Sioux war party trailing eyes like hers—and, say, that hair she wears!"

"Don't get me wrong, Red," Zang corrected. "I count 'bout as high as a trey spot in a sanded pack with her, but since her pappy died she's sorta got in a jam with Original Bill an' I was aimin' to break trail for her through all this range war. Now——" He lifted his shoulders and smiled wearily.

"You see where I stand, Zang," Agnew urged. "All the cattle outfits roaring their