Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/181

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"What is the meaning of all the excitement?" queried Von Tromp, looking down from the window of Original's lodgings upon the Killer and his escort on the way to the jail. Original, who had comprehended the significance of Main Street's prodigy in a single glance, was tumbling into his clothes at top speed.

"The man you were talking about—the Killer," his answer came muffled by a woollen shirt that was just slipping over his head. "Somebody's just bringing him in."

What instinct it was that halted Original from being more specific as to the identities of the convoying party he did not know. Von Tromp's order for a pseudo attack upon Zang Whistler and the Spout gang rankled too freshly in Original's mind for him to volunteer the information that Whistler himself was that