Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/199

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Trails to Two Moons

The challenge came from a huge tower of a man who carried one end of the corral pole supporting the wretched Van Tromp.

"That 's what he told me this mornin'," Original answered without heat. "He told me that, an' he said something else to me which no man in his right mind could say and stay in one piece all together. That 's why I know he 's not strong in his mind."

This surprising confession on Original's part—admission of the true identity of the man on the corral rail—was not what the mob expected. For the space of a breath its leader was caught floundering.

"Ya-ah! All you lyin' cowmen stand together—range inspectors and lawyers." The challenge came from somewhere back in the core of crowded bodies.

"Go ahead! Give the runt a ride 'longside the lawyer! Come on, boys, dump 'em both in the creek!" The jangle of cries deepened into a roar. A thrusting wave from behind suddenly pushed out two wings of the mob to right and left of the center. They curved in to surround the solitary figure stemming the flood. Then lightning action.

Original leaped backward and the hand