Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/239

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Trails to Two Moons

out from the office, arms spread wide. Lamp-light from the door behind him showed him just a flash of Tige's blazed forehead bearing down upon him, a shapely leg bound tight against the saddle girth, a white face and blazing eyes. He put up one hand to seize the bridle.

Hilma leaned forward in the saddle; the quirtlike loose ends of the bridle rein whirled from her hand like leaping vipers and smote him fair in the face. He saw the girl's white teeth bared in a grimace of hate. Then she was out and thundering down the street for the bridge and the Big Country beyond.

Original leaped for the saddle pegs and, a saddle on arm, dashed down to the nearest horse stall.