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Trails to Two Moons

leant toward hers, lips with a will power behind them. "Which it 's my privilege an' my duty right here an' now to do."

At once the girl was furiously angry with herself for permitting this softening picture to come to her. Her heart steeled itself against the insidious voice of any counsel for the defense. And so over an endless treadmill wearily Hilma Ring's soul climbed and climbed while miles unreeled themselves behind her and all the Big Country round about lay glorious in the morning.

Not once did the man before her look back.

Finally they descended a long gentle slope to a road that wound about its base—the first road they had seen since they left Cattle Kate's country. Reaching it, Original brought Tige to a halt and turned.

"Your way lies over yonder." He gave a sweep of his arm along the road to the south. "You can't miss the road in daylight. I 'll tell Lonny Moore about the horse you 're ridin', an' he can send for it."

He gravely lifted his hat, turned and cantered to the north, leaving the girl staring.