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Trails to Two Moons

eyes thither, Original threw a warning over his shoulder:

"You, back there, cast your eyes to that window over by the door an' stay put in your bunk. This place isn't going to be healthy for to move round in."

A big hulk of a man, bearded like a chimpanzee, halted halfway out of his bunk and did as the strange voice bade. A face wearing a happy grin was pressed against the glass of the window; also the muzzle of a gun wickedly looking squarely at him. The face and the gun were Timberline Todd's. Now the door was suddenly pushed open and Hank Rogers entered.

"I call this pretty work, Original—pretty!" he caroled exultantly. "What li'l thing do you want me to do?"

"There's a reata over on that peg behind you," Original commanded. "Give that big woolly a tie." Then as he walked slowly over toward Zang. "I asks your pardon, Zang, for bustin' in this way on your beauty sleep. It ain't reg'lar nohow, but since you never did invite me to come an' see you an' I 've been mighty wishful for to make your closer acquaintance, I just natch'ly had to pick my