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Love story, adventure story, nature story—all three qualities combine in this tale of modern man and woman arrayed against the forces of age-old savagery


With frontispiece by W. Herbert Dunton

12mo. Cloth. 305 pages

" 'The Voice of the Pack' is clean, fine, raw, bold, primitive; and has a wonderfully haunting quality in the repeated wolf-note"—Zane Grey.

"Taken all around 'The Voice of the Pack' is the best of the stories about wild life that has come out in many, many moons."—The Chicago Daily News.

"As a story that mingles Adventure, Nature Study and Romance, 'The Voice of the Pack' is undeniably of the front rank. Mr. Marshall knows the wild places and the ways of the wild creatures that range them—and he knows how to write. The study of Dan Failing's development against a background of the wild life of the mountains, is an exceedingly clever piece of literary work."—The Boston Herald.

"An unusually good tale of the West, evidently written by a man who knows about the habits of the wolf-packs and cougars."—The New York Times.

LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Publishers
34 Beacon Street, Boston