Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/32

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Trails to Two Moons

there on a black horse. He sees me and he turns right away over the top of that leetle hill. But I know him. Before, in this town, I have seen him. His name is——" he bent toward Agnew's ear and whispered a name. The sheriff's eyes narrowed and a fold of skin ridged the cleft above his nose.

"Then I find Jed Monk there in the road 'bout half mile from his house. Two bullets; one through his head, one by the third button of his shirt. And on his head——"

"Same mark as the others?" Sheriff Agnew put in quickly.

"On his head, where it lies a leetle by the side, is a stone 'bout as big as this," Old Man Ring marked off his thumb with fingers clamped below the first joint, "'bout as big as this, that stone lying there on his head."

"The stone on the head—yes, the stone on the head," muttered Agnew. "And you saw him—you got a good look at him, so 's you could go before a grand jury and swear to the name of the Killer?"

"By dam, I saw him gude!" The withered sheepman was roused to his first enthusiasm by the prospect of playing center stage; of appearing before that mysterious body called