Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/33

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qui te ad Pontificatus sublimari voluit dignitatem, ipse te Chrismate, et mysticæ delibutionis liquòre perfúndat, et sp?iritualis bene✠dictionis ubertate fæcundet; quidquid bene✠dixeris, benedicatur; et quidquid sanctificaveris sanctificetur; et consecratæ manus istius, vel pollicis impositio cunctis proficiat ad salutere. ℟. Amen.

Christ, whom it hath pleased to exalt thee to the dignity of the High Priesthood, Himself abundantly shed on thee the sacred chrism and mysterious ointment, and plentifully enrich thee with His spiritual benediction ✠: whatever thou shall bless✠, be it blessed; and whatever thou shalt sanctify, be it sanctified; and may the laying on of these sacred hands profit all, unto salvation. Amen.

The anointed hands of the Elect are bound with linen, and the Consecrating Bishop, standing, without mitre, blesses the Crosier, saying:


Let us pray.

SUstentator imbecilitàtis humanæ Deus, bene✠dic baculum istum, et quod in eo exterius designatur, interius in moribus hujus famuli tui, tuæ propitiationis clementia operetur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen.

O God, the support of human imbecility, bless✠ this staff; and that which it externally represents, do Thou internally effect, by the clemency of Thy goodness, in the morals of this Thy servant. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

He sprinkles the Crosier with holy water; and, being seated and mitred, places it between the fingers of the Elect, saying:

ACcipe báculum pastoralis officii, ut sis in corrigendis vitiis pie sæviens, judicium sine ira tenens, in fovèndis virtùtibus auditorum animos demùl-

REceive this staff of the pastoral office, that in the correction of vice, thou mayest employ severity with kindness, and exercise judgment without