Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/35

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with the assistance of the other Bishops, presents it to the touch of the now Consecrated, saying:

ACcipe Evangelium, et vade, prædica populo tibi commisso; potens est euim Deus, ut augeat tibi gratiam suam, qui vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculorum. ℟. Amen.

REceive the Gospel, and go forth, and preach it to the people committed to thee: for God is powerful to augment His grace to thee, who liveth and reigneth, world without end. Amen.

The Consecrating Bishop, and the other Bishops, now receive the newly Consecrated to the Kiss of Peace, each saying to him:

Pax tibi.

Peace be to thee.

To which he replies:

Et cum spiritu tuo.

And with thy spirit.

The newly Consecrated, accompanied by the Assisting Bishops, returns to his Chapel, and having his head and hands wiped from the chrism, with crumbs of bread and linen, washes his hands, as does also the consecrator; and both, in their respective Chapels go on with Mass, to the end of the Offertory.

(For this part, see the Missal.)

At the end of the Offertory, the Consecrator seats himself with his mitre on, before the middle of the Altar; and the newly Consecrated, coming from his Chapel, attended by the Assisting Bishops, reverences on his knees the Consecrator, and makes his offering to him, of two loaves, two vessels of wine, and two wax torches, kissing his hand as he receives them.

After this, the Consecrating Bishop washes his hands, and goes up to the Altar; and the newly consecrated goes to the Epistle side of the same Altar, and having there a Missal placed for him, he accompanies the Consecrating Bishop through the remaining part of the Mass.

At the Communion, they both partake of the same Host and Chalice. To the regular service of the day is added a Secreta prayer for the Consecrated. In the Canon, too, the prayer, infra actionem, has a few additional words. They are as follows:


Suscipe, Domine, munera, quæ tibi offerimus pro hoc famulo tuo,

ACcept, O Lord, the gifts which we offer Thee, for this Thy ser-