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The Consecration of a Bishop


IT is proper that the Consecrating Bishop, as well as the Bishop Elect, should fast, on the day before consecration.

The Consecration ought to be on a Sunday, or on the Feast of an Apostle: but it may be, by the special grant of the Holy See, on any other Festival.

Unless the Consecration be celebrated at Rome, it should be solemnized in the Church, or at least within the Province, to which the Elect has been promoted.

In the Church appointed for the Consecration, two Chapels are to be prepared; a larger for the Consecrator, a smaller for the Elect.

The former is to be furnished with an Altar, decorated as is usual; with a Crucifix in the middle, and at least four lights.

The Chapel of the Elect must also he furnished with an Altar, having on it a Crucifix, and two lights.

The Bishop Elect is to present himself to the Consecrator robed as a Priest, with a cope; and whatever be the colour for the day, all the vestments he wears must be white.

There must be, at least, two Assistant Bishops, robed in rochets, amices, stoles, and copes, and wearing white mitres.

All being thus prepared, at the appointed hour, the Bishops, with their attendants, assemble before the altar; and after the Consecrating Bishop has offered up a short prayer, he and the Elect proceed to their respective Chapels, and there put on their robes.

This done, the Elect, with an Assistant Bishop on each hand, places himself before the Consecrating Bishop, seated in the middle of the Altar.

The Senior Assisting Bishop then says:

REverendissime Pater, postulat Sancta Mater Ecclesia Catholica ut

MOST Reverend Father, our holy Mother, the Catholic Church,