Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/112

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Order of the Eastern Star.

Your duties are more specifically set forth in the Constitution, to which I refer you, with the admonition: Be cautious in your words, courteous in your actions, sincere in your rulings, governing with moderation and decorum, trusting that your well-known zeal in the cause of the Order will lead you to discharge these important trusts with lasting benefit to this Grand Chapter and great credit to yourself.

You will now be invested with the proper badge of office and be conducted to your station in the East.

After she is in her station, the Installing officer will call up the Grand Chapter and say:

Grand —————. Grand Matron, behold your sisters and brothers! Sisters and brothers, behold your Grand Matron and salute her with the Grand Honors.

Seats the Grand Chapter.

G. M. Grand —————, it is with pleasure I introduce to you Brother —————, who has been duly elected Grand Patron