Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/131

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Funeral Ceremonies.

Lord is my Shepherd," etc. After which the Worthy Matron will say:

W. M. Sisters and Brothers, we have gathered at this solemn hour to perform those final rites which affection has prescribed for our departed sister. She, who was with us but yesterday, has been summoned hence by a messenger who cometh sooner or later for us all.

How appropriately may we gather around her remains and together pay love's tibute to her memory.

She has indeed passed beyond the reach of praise or the touch of censure. It is not, therefore, to her that we tender this, our heart's saddest offering.

We are here in acknowledgment of sacred ties now severed, of memories tenderly cherished and hearts touched with sympathy for loved ones bereaved.

Our sister has finished her allotted task in the conflict of life. The chapter of her earthly sojourn is closed but her many virtues shall not go unrecorded.