Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/42

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Order of the Eastern Star.

War. Worthy Matron, your order has been obeyed.

W. M. It is well; let us unite in singing our Closing Ode.

Calls up the Chapter.


The prayer will be offered at the Altar as in opening.

W. M. Let us unite in prayer.


Holy and merciful God, who answereth prayer and doth not scorn the petition of the humblest of Thy children, bestow upon us in our parting that spirit of affection which can resist the selfishness of the world; and cause us to remember our obligations to each other and to Thee. Grant that we may all be permitted with loving hearts to assemble here again, for our instruction, for Thine honor and for the good of our fellow men. All of which we ask for Thy name's sake. Amen.

Response by all the members.

So may it ever be.

The Worthy Patron or Chaplain steps back into the circle of Star officers between Esther and Martha, facing East, remaining in that position until the Worthy Matron closes the Chapter.

W. M. Sister Conductress, you will attend at the Altar