Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/46

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Order of the Eastern Star.

receive the degrees ; I , therefore, invite you to preside during the ceremonies of initiation.

The Worthy Patron, taking the gavel says:

W. P. Sister Secretary.

Sec'y. Worthy Patron.

W. P. Has this candidate been elected to receive the degrees of the Order?

Sec'y. She has, Worthy Patron.

W. P. Sister Associate Conductress, you will retire and prepare the candidate for the ceremonies of initiation.

She gives the sign and retires as before. Taking the candidate into the preparation room, she says:

A. C. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being? Ans. I do.

My friend, human life is a labyrinth through which we all wander blindly and too often, in ignorance. It is good to consider the experience of others and profit by their knowledge and example. Having received the degrees of our Order and, therefore, being able to assist you, permit me to direct your preparation for the ceremonies of initiation.

She then removes the candidate's hat, gloves and shawl or cloak, prepares and leads her to the