Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/82

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Order of the Eastern Star.

absent officers return. Old officers not re-elected nor appointed, may occupy their stations until their successors are installed. When all are in their places, the Marshal will say:

M. Worthy —————, the officers-elect are in order and await your pleasure.

I. O. Sisters and brothers, you behold those who have been selected as officers to serve you for the ensuing year. Do you still desire that they shall fill the positions to which they have been elected or appointed?

Ans. We do.

Calls up the Chapter.

I. 0. You will repeat after me the following


I solemnly and sincerely promise, in the presence of the members of this Chapter, that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully and impartially perform all the duties belonging to the office for which I have been selected. That I will conform to the By-Laws of this Chapter and the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Grand Chapter and do all in my power to promote the welfare and prosperity of our Order.

The Chapter and officers will be seated. The Marshal will present the officers at the altar for