Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/176

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To its summit, within two miles of Durham, it attains an elevation, from high water, of 278 feet; from thence, to the River Wear, there is a fall of 163 feet; thence, to Durham, it is level. At the distance of five miles and three quarters from the commencement of the last-mentioned branch, the Chilton Branch leaves it, at an elevation of 262 feet, and rises 40 feet; upon the same level, at the distance of about seven miles and a half, the Sherburn and Byer's Green Branches proceed from it; the first of which rises 72 feet, and the latter 115 feet.

. M. F. C.
The length of the Main Line from Samphire Bath Beacon, to the Stockton and Darlington Railroad, at Sim Pasture, is 15 4 2
The Deanery Branch 3 4 6
The City of Durham Branch 13 0 0
The Sherburn Branch 5 6 3
The Chilton Branch 0 3 4
The Stockton Branch 2 3 2
The Byer's Green Branch 5 0 0
Total length of Main Line and Branches 45 5 7

On the line of the City of Durham Branch, where it crosses the River Wear, a cast iron bridge is intended, of one arch, of 100 feet span, and 35 feet above the surface of the river.

The estimates, under the last act, for this railway and branches, were made by Mr. Leather, of Leeds, civil engineer, in February, 1829, and are as follow:-


Main Line £94,411
Stockton Branch 14,402
Deanery Estate Branch 18,686
City of Durham Branch 70,777
Sherburn Branch 24,754
Byer's Green Branch 23,767
Chilton Branch 1,206
. £243,003

The company are empowered to raise the sum of £100,000, in addition to the sums of £100,000 and £60,000, authorized in time preceding act; which two latter sums may be borrowed on