Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/282

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Description of Goods Amount of Duty Quantity.
Soap in Chests 2s 6d per Forty Feet.
Ditto, Foreign 2s 6d per Ton.
Spars 12s 0d per 120.
Staves, Pipe 1s 0d .Ditto
Ditto, Puncheon 0s 8d Ditto.
Ditto, Hogshead 0s 6d Ditto.
Ditto, Barrel 0s 5d Ditto.
Ditto, Quebec Logs 1s 6d Ditto.
Starch in Chests 2s 6d per Forty Feet.
Steel 2s 6d per Ton.
Stone Ware (loose) 0s 0½d per Three Gallons.
Stone, Portland 1s 6d per Ton of Sixteen Feet.
Ditto, Bath 1s 6d per Twenty Feet.
Ditto, Paving 1s 6d per Sixty Feet.
Ditto, Beer 1s 0d per Eighteen Feet.
Ditto, Granite 1s 6d per Twenty-seven Feet.
Ditto, Free 1s 6d per Eighteen Feet.
Ditto, Grave and Gutter 1s 6d per Thirty Feet.
Ditto, Step 1s 6d Ditto.
Ditto, Rolling 1s 6d per Sixteen Feet.
Ditto, Trough 1s 6d per Sixty Feet.
Ditto, Moor 1s 6d per Twenty-seven Feet.
Ditto, Pebble 1s 3d per Ton of Twenty Cwt.
Sugar, Solid 1s 3d per Hhd. of Fifteen Cwt.
Ditto, packed 1s 3d per Hogshead.
Ditto, in Lumps and Loaves 2s 6d per Ton.
Ditto, in Bags 0s 1½d per Cwt.
Ditto, in Mats 0s 1½d Ditto.
Tallow 2s 6d per Ton.
Tar 0s 4d per Barrel.
Tea 1s 0d per Chest.
Ditto 0s 6d per Half ditto.
Ditto 0s 3d per Quarter ditto.
Tiles 2s 6d per 1,000.
Timber in general (If shipped from the Quay, 4d. per Ton Quayage.) 2s 6d per Ton of Forty Feet.
Tin 0s 2d per Box.
Tobacco 3s 1½d per Ton.
Trees and Shrubs, in Mats 2s 6d per Forty Feet.
Valonia 2s 6d per Ton.
Veneers 2s 6d per Forty Feet.
Vinegar 1s 6d per Pipe.
Vitriol 0s 3d per Carboy.
Vetches and Tares 0s 4d per Quarter.
Wainscot Logs 2s 6d per Forty Feet.
Wax 2s 6d per Ton.
Withies 2s 6d per Forty Bundles.
Whalebone 2s 6d per Ton.
Wheat 0s 4d per Quarter.
Wheels (Coach) 1s 3d per Set.
Whiting 1s 0d per Ton.
Wire 0s 2d per Bundle of One Cwt.
Wine and Spirlts 1s 6d per Pipe.
Ditto, ditto, cased 1s 8d Ditto.
Wine and Spirits 0s 9d per Hogshead.