Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/303

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the navigation commences. Its course from hence is south-easterly, by the town of Needham, and Shrubland Hall, the seat of Sir W. F. Middleton, Bart. to the south side of the town of Ipswich, where it falls into the tideway of the Orwell, near Stoke Bridge.

Its length is about sixteen miles; and the necessary works for making it navigable, were commenced under the authority of an act of the 30th George III. entitled, An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Communication between Stowmarket and Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk.

Six gentlemen, resident in the vicinity, were appointed trustees for carrying the act into execution, with power to borrow the sum of £14,300 on the credit of the undertaking, and a further sum of £6,000, if necessary, either on mortgage or by granting annuities.

Power is also given to extend the navigation three quarters of a mile from Stowupland Bridge towards the Bury St. Edmund's Road, if it shall be deemed desirable.


Corn and other Grain, Hops, Stone, Timber, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and other Things, (except Coal) 1d per Ton, per Mile.
Coal ½d ditto. ditto.

And so in Proportion for any Weight or Quantity less than a Ton, or for any Distance less than a Mile.

If these Rates are insufficient for the Purposes of this Act, power is given to double them for such Time only as may be required; but not until Three Months' Notice has been given. Vessels of less than Thirty-five Tons lading, to be charged for Thirty-five Tons.

The Trustees can also, for all Goods deposited in their Wharfs, and which shall continue for a longer Period than Six Months, charge such additional Sums as they may think fit; provided Notice to such Purpose be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace.

Manure is exempt from Rates, unless the Commissioners shall determine to the contrary; in that case the same Rate is to be paid as for Coal.

The act of the 33rd George III. entitled, An Act for effectually carrying into Execution an Act of Parliament of the Thirtieth Year of his present Majesty, for making and maintaining a navigable Communication between Stowmarket and Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, is obtained solely for the purpose of enabling the trustees to borrow the sum of £15,000 over and above the sums authorized by the last-recited act, which had already been expended.

This navigation is chiefly used for exporting the surplus farming