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Thames, together with an annual rent of £60, as a compensation for the diminution of tolls, secured to the said mayor and commonalty under an act of 17th George III.

The second act obtained by the company in 1807, and entitled, An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Surrey Canal to complete the same, after reciting the previous act, and showing that the money thereby authorized to be raised, had already been expended in cutting part of the said canal, and excavating a basin at Rotherhithe, enables the proprietors to raise a further sum of £60,000, for completing the same, by creating new shares, or by promissory notes, or by mortgage, or annuities, as shall seem most advisable.

In June, 1808, a third act was obtained by the proprietors, entitled, An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Surrey. Canal to supply with Water the several Towns, Districts, and Places therein mentioned, and to amend the several Acts relative to the said Canal. The parishes and hamlets which the company is by this act authorized to supply with water, are St. Mary Rotherhithe, New Cross, St. John and St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, St. Giles Camberwell, Walworth, Peckham, and places adjacent in Surrey and Kent, for the accomplishment of which, £14,000 is to be raised by creating additional shares of £100 each, or by mortgage; and the proprietors are authorized to pay from the 29th September, 1807, interest at five per cent. per annum on all monies already advanced, and hereafter to be advanced, for shares in this undertaking.

Though considerable sums, as appears from the acts already recited, had been raised for the carrying on of this work, so many alterations had been made, and such a variety of additional expenses had been incurred, that the proprietors were obliged again to go to parliament; and, accordingly, a further act was obtained in the year 1811, entitled, An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Surrey Canal to make a collateral Cut communicating therewith, in the parish of St. Mary Rotherhithe, in the county of Surrey, and to enable the said Company to complete the said Canal, and for amending the several Acts relating thereto. After stating that the company had already completed a basin and entrance into the Thames at Rotherhithe, with a line