Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/343

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By this act the proprietors wete authorized to collect certain rates, which it is not necessary to mention here, as they were repealed by a subsequent act, and another table substituted in place thereof. The sum of £220,000 is directed to be raised in shares of £100 each, and they might raise £110,000 in addition, if necessary, either amongst themselves, or by new subscribers, or on interest. The provisions of the act above-recited, were put into immediate execution, and the proprietors proceeded to complete their undertaking without delay; but it having been found necessary to vary the line prescribed by the above act, a second was obtained for that purpose in 1811, entitled, An Act to vary and alter the Line of a Cut authorized to be made by an Act of the Thirty-sixth Year of his present Majesty, for making a Canal from the River Exe, near Topsham, in the county of Devon, to the River Tone, near Taunton, in the county of Somerset, and to amend the said Act. in consequence of this second act, the line was varied, but some difficulties still remained; to remedy which, parliament was again applied to, and in the following year a third was granted, entitled, An Act to alter and increase the Rates of Tonnage authorized to be taken by the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Western Canal; and to amend the several Acts passed for making the said Canal; whereby the former rates, as we before stated, were repealed; and, for securing to them a fair remuneration for the money expended on the works, and to be hereafter laid out in completing them, the proprietors were empowered to demand the following


For all Coals, Culm, Cinders, Coke, Lime, Lime.stone, Iron-stone, Ironore, Lead-ore, and all other Ores, Stones, Tiles, Slates, Bricks, Flag-stones. Clay and Sand, and all Articles used for Manure, and for repairing Roads 3d per Ton, per Mile.
For all Rough Timber, Pig-iron. Bar-iron, Pig-lead, Sheet-lead, Tin in Lumps and Bars, Charcoal, Salt, Corn, Hay,and Straw 4d ditto. ditto.
For all Wrought Metals, Oils, Wines, Liquors, Groceries, Cheese, Earthenware, and all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize, not specified before, carried on the Canal and Cuts, or any Part thereof 6d ditto. ditto.

Fractions in Distance to be taken as a whole Mile, and in Weight as a Quarter of a Ton.

The Company may charge Rates, to be determined by themselves, for the Carriage of small Parcels, and for the Wharfage of such Goods as shall remain more than Twenty-four Hours on their Wharfs. Tables of such Rates to be put up in some conspicuous Part of the Wharfs.