Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/354

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themselves, in their first scheme, had no intention of making either basin, cut or bridge, excepting a swivel bridge for the towing-path, and therefore found their original stock too small for the purposes of their act; to remedy the first omission, they obtained, on the 12th April, 1827, another act, entitled, 'An Act to amend and enlarge the Powers and Provisions of an Act relating to the Heckbridge and Wentbridge Railway.' By this they were empowered to purchase twenty acres of land, in addition to the six acres for which the former act made provision, for making the dock or basin, cut and bridge before-mentioned, as also coal-yards, warehouses, wharfs, and other buildings and conveniences; they may also raise a further sum of £7,600 amongst themselves, or by the creation of new shares, or by borrowing of the Commissioners of Exchequer Bills, for the purposes of the said act.

The original object for constructing this railway, was to bring the stone situate at Wentbridge and Smeaton into the London and other distant markets.


14 George III. Cap. 106, Royal Assent 20th May, 1774.

THE harbour of Hedon having, from the accumulation of warp, &c. in the bed of the River Humber for a long series of years, become unnavigable, an act, entitled, An Act for recovering, improving, and maintaining the Navigation of the Haven of Hedon, in Holdernesse, in the East Riding of the county of York, was obtained in the year 1774, for the purpose of remedying this inconvenience, and to render the harbour again navigable from low-water-mark to the turnpike-road near the town of Hedon, leading to Patrington; and also for making a reservoir or basin near the said road. For these purposes, the commissioners named in the act were empowered to borrow money on security of the tolls; and the following were determined on as


Wheat, Rye, Beans, Peas or Rapeseed 0s 6d per Quarter.
Malt, Oats, Barley, or other Grain not before named 0s 4d ditto.
For every Sack of Meal or Flour containing Five Bushels 0s 6d per Sack.