Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/384

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would be greatly benefited by the forming of Counter's Creek into a canal, for the conveyance of goods through the same to the Thames. Commissioners were, therefore, appointed to take measures for executing the same, with powers to make tunnels, erect steam engines, take down bridges and divert roads for this purpose; and in order to meet the cost of the undertaking, the proprietors were to raise amongst themselves the sum of £10,000, in one hundred shares of £100 each. In case this should not prove sufficient, they may raise a further sum of £5,000, either of which sums may be borrowed on mortgage of the tolls, and the £5,000, last directed to be raised, may be obtained on promissory notes, or by such other means as shall appear most eligible.

For paying interest and other expenses, the proprietors, who are by the act called "The Kensington Canal Navigation Company," are to collect the following


For all Dung or Manure conveyed between the Thames and Fifty Yards Northward of Stamford Bridge ½d per Ton.
For ditto between the Northern Extremity of the said Fifty Yards and the Hammersmith Road 3d ditto.
For all Coals, Cinders, Culm, Lime, Slate, Stone, Alabaster, Potatoes, Pig-iron, Bricks, Peat, Gravel, Sand, Clay, Marl, Timber. Deals, Malleable and Wrought or Manufactured Iron, Lead and other Unwrought Metals, Corn, Grain, Malt, Peas and Beans, Wool, Cotton Wool and Yarn, Cotton Linen, and Woollen Manufactured Goods, Hemp, Flax, Groceries, and all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize whatsoever, carried between the Thames and Fifty Yards Northward of Stamford Bridge 1d ditto.
For all the above-named Description of Goods carried between the Northern Extremity of the said Fifty Yards and the Hammersmith Road 6d ditto.

Fractions of a Ton to be taken as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

The company may erect wharfs and cranes, and charge as


For all Goods, Wares and Merchandize remaining on the Wharfs Seventy-two Hours 9d per Ton.
For ditto after the Seventy-two First Hours 6d ditto, per Day.

The canal was to be completed in three years after the passing of this act, or the powers thereof were to cease, and the company was directed to pay a fine of £5, with an annual rent of the same sum to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, for the liberty of opening and enlarging the communication with the Thames.