Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/387

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The railway must be completed in seven years, or the powers of the act cease. The length thereof is about four miles, in a southerly direction from Leigh; in its course it passes not far from Pennington Hall and Haydock Lodge; and, connecting the Bolton and Leigh Railroad with that of the Manchester and Liverpool, it adds considerably to the facilities for conveying coal, iron and lead from various mines within reach of Bolton, Leigh, and other places, with which a communication is thereby opened. The engineering department is under the direction of Mr. Vignolles.




6 George III. Cap. 55, Royal Assent 19th February, 1766.

52 George III. Cap. 173, Royal Assent 20th June, 1812.

58 George III. Cap. 75, Royal Assent 28th May, 1818.

THE first commencement of this undertaking was an act obtained in 1766, by Thomas Kymer, Esq. to make a canal from the tideway in Kidwelly Harbour to his coal and lime works, about three miles and a half from that place. This act is entitled, 'An Act to enable Thomas Kymer, Esq. to make a navigable Cut or Canal,from Little Gwendraeth River, near the town of Kidwelly, to the Great Forest and Pwll Llygod, in the county of Carmarthen.' it may be strictly considered a private act, as it was for the sole purpose of affording conveyance for the produce of Mr. Kymer's estate; and the canal which was entirely cut through his own land was called Kymer's Canal. The utility of the work, however, was proved to be so great, that it was thought desirable to extend its benefits to the neighbourhood, and, in consequence, another act was obtained in 1812, entitled, 'An Act for the improving of the Harbour of Kidwelly, and for making and maintaining a navigable Canal, or Tramroads, in Kidwelly, and Llanelly and other parishes therein mentioned, in the county of Carmarthen.' By this act powers were given for a company to improve the harbour at Kidwelly, and to make a canal and