Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/460

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'Royton, all in the county palatine of Lancaster;' whereby the proprietors are incorporated as "The Manchester and Oldham Railway Comupany," with powers to make and maintain a railway or tramroad, for carriages to be moved by stationary or locomotive steam engines or other power, commencing in St. George's Road, Manchester, and passing through Manchester, Newton, Failsworth, Prestwich-cum-Oldham, Woodpark and Knott Lanes in the parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, and terminating at the Manchester and Austerlands Turnpike Road, at Mumps Brook, in the parish of Oldham. Also a branch from Failsworth Pole to Dry Clough in the township of Royton, and all inclined planes, steam engines, wharfs, warehouses and all other buildings, &c. necessary for the same. For executing these powers, the company may raise a capital of £75,000, in shares of £100 each, together with a further sum of £20,000 on mortgage, should the former amount prove insufficient to complete the work. The following are to be collected as


For all Lime, Dung, Earth, Compost. Manure, Materials for Roads drawn and carried by the Company 2d per Ton, per Mile.
For ditto only drawn or propelled by their Engines 1½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn or propelled by the Company's Engines, but in the Waggons of other Persons 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Coal, Cuim, Coke, Charcoal, Cinders, Stone, Clay, Lime, Marl, Sand, Building, Pitching and Paving-stones, Flags, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Earth, Staves, Deal, Lead, Iron in Pigs and other Metals drawn or propelled and carried by the Company 3d ditto. ditto.
For ditto only drawn or propelled by their Engines 2½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn by their Engines in Waggons of other Persons 2d ditto. ditto.
For all Timber, Cotton, Wool, Hides, Drugs, Dye Woods, Sugar, Corn, Grain, Flour, Manufactured Goods, Lead in Sheets, Iron in Bars, and all other Wares, Merchandizes, Matters or Things drawn or propelled and carried by the Company 3½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto only drawn or propelled by their Engines 3d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn by their Engines in Waggons of other Persons 2½d ditto. ditto.
For all Goods, wares and Mercbandize, and all other Commodities, Matters and Things, and for all Carriages conveying Passengers or Cattle, carried upon any Inclined Plane where the same shall be conveyed by Steam Power 6d ditto, at each Plane.
For ditto when not conveyed by Steam Power 3d ditto. ditto.
For every Person passing in or on any Carriage on the Railway, Branches or Parts thereof 2½d per Mile each.
For every Horse, Mule, Ass or other Beast of Burden, and for every Ox, Bull, Cow or Cattle carried in such Carriage 1½d ditto.
For every Calf, Sheep, Lamb or Pig ditto ½d ditto.

Fractions of a Ton and of a Mile as the Quarters in them, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

Parcels not exceeding Five Hundred Weight, to pay Rates to be fixed by the Company.