Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/466

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For Stone, Chalk aad Manure 1d per Ton.
For Lime 2d ditto.
For all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize 3d ditto.
For Coal 2d per Chaldron.

Timber, Knee Timber, Planks and Pannels are free from Dues; and Goods, Wares, &c. belonging the Inhabitants of Aylesford, and landed at the German Forestall, are exempted from Rates; and all Goods landed or shipped at Castle Shelf, shall only pay Half the above Rates.

The committee may also borrow £8,000, for the purposes of this act, on the credit of the tolls and rates.

This act was repealed and a new one granted in 1802, under the title of 'An Act for repealing an Act passed in the Thirty-second of his present Majesty, for improving the Navigation of the River Medway, from the town of Maidstone, through the several parishes of Maidstone, Boxley, Allington, and Aylesford, in the county of Kent, and for the better and more effectual improving the Navigation of the said River;' whereby the proprietors are incorporated afresh as "The Company of Proprietors of the Lower Navigation of the River Medway," and are empowered to improve and maintain the navigation and towing-paths, and execute other works entrusted to the committee under the former acts; they may also provide money for expenses by shares of £100 each; £5,000 to be thus raised in addition to the former sum of £8,000; or any part of the said £5,000, or the whole thereof, may be raised on mortgage; tile following are directed to be levied as


For Stone, Chalk and Manure, except Lime 1½d per Ton.
For Lime, Timber, Deals, Bricks and Iron 4d ditto.
For all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize 6d ditto.
For Coals 4d per Chaldron.

The rights of the persons incorporated under the act of Charles II. are to be reserved, as far as they are authorized to scour, cleanse and deepen the Medway from below Shepherd's Wharf in Maidstone; and the said persons, who in that act were styled "The Company of Proprietors of the Navigation of the River Medway," may convey all goods, &c. on paying the rates first quoted in this article. The proprietors are restricted by this