Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/488

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27 George II. Cap. 12, Royal Assent 6th April, 1754.

THE original navigation from King's Lynn to Standground Sluice, near Peterborough, was carried from Salter's Load Sluice, through Well Creek and the River Nen to Flood's Ferry, and from thence through Ramsey, Ugg and Whittlesea Meres, a passage at all times tedious and frequently difficult as well as dangerous. An act was therefore obtained in the 27th of George II. entitled, 'An Act for improving and preserving the Navigation from Salter's Load Sluice, in the county of Norfolk, to Standground Sluice, in the county of Huntingdon; and from Flood's Ferry, in the Isle of Ely, in the county of Cambridge, to Ramsey High Load, in the said county of Huntingdon; and also the Navigation from Old Bedford Sluice, in the said county of Norfolk, to the River Nene, in the parish of Ramsey, in the said county of Huntingdon.' By this act certain persons are appointed commissioners for managing a new line from Salter's Load, through Well Creek to the town of Outwell; from thence, through the Nen by the towns of Upwell and March to Flood's Ferry aforesaid; and from thence to Ramsey High Load; and for preserving the navigation from Flood's Ferry, through Whittlesea Dyke to Standground Sluice, and also the navigation from Old Bedford Sluice through the Old Bedford River and the Forty Foot Drain, to the River Nen, in the parish of Ramsey. The inhabitants of Peterborough and other towns named in the act, are required to meet annually in their respective vestries on Easter Monday, to chuse commissioners for this act. The commissioners are empowered to demand rates at Salter's Load Sluice, Standground Sluice and Old Bedford Sluice, for the purpose of defraying the necessary charges.


For every Chaldron of Coals, Lynn Measure; Hundred of Battens; Half Hundred of other Deals; Load of Timber, at Forty Feet to the Load; Eight Packs of Wool, of Ten Tod to the Pack; Weigh of Salt; Load of Wheat, Rape, Lineseed, Coleseed, Barley, Rye, Peas or Beans, of Five Quarters to the Load; Last of Oats, or Barley Bigs; Two Thousand of Turf; Load of Reed, Sedge, Hay, Flax or Hemp, of Twenty Hundred weight to the Load; Last of Malt; Thousand of Tiles; Five Hundred of Bricks; Twenty Feet of Stone; and Chaldron of Lime 3d.
For every Ton of all other Goods, Wares, Merchandise or Commodities whatsoever 3d.