Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/507

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For all Coal and Coke, not navigated on the Eyewash 4d per Ton.
For ditto, if got within the Liberties of Shipley and West Hallam, navigated on this Canal and the Erewash 8d ditto.
For ditto within the Liberties of Mapperley, Kirk Hallam, Ilkestone and Little Hallam, navigated on this Canal and the Erewash 1d ditto.
For all other Goods, Wares, &c 8d ditto.

The Earl Stanhope and his Tenants in the parishes of Stanton-by-Dale and Dale Abbey may carry, free of Rates, any Iron-stone got within the Lordships of Shipley, Mapperley, West Hallam, Kirk Hallam, Ilkestone and Little Hallam, and used within Stanton-by-Dale and Dale Abbey, and also navigate on as much of the Canal as is in those Two Parishes, free of Rates, all Iron, Coal, Coke and. Iron-stone, the Produce of the said Parish, or brought from the Eyewash, and all other Goods, Wares and Articles whatever.

For completing the canal, the proprietors may raise £13,000, in shares of £100 each, and £6,500 if the first sum be not sufficient.

Railroads are laid from various parts of this canal to the coal mines near; but as the situation and number of these are changed as circumstances require, it would be impossible to describe them fully or correctly. The intention of the projectors was to afford a cheap and ready conveyance of coals and minerals from their works to the Erewash Canal, for the purpose of exporting; and though, as will be seen from what we have stated above, that this is exclusively a private speculation, it is not on that account an undertaking devoid of benefit to the public. The facilities which it affords the proprietors of conveying the produce of their mines, at the same time guarding the consumers from any additional cost of carriage, which land conveyance would add to the other charges incurred, will appear more evident on reference to our map.


33 George III. Cap. 103, Royal Assent 7th May, 1793.

40 George III. Cap. 56, Royal Assent 20th June, 1800.

THE first act for executing this advantageous undertaking was obtained in 1793, under the title of 'An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Cut or Canal from the Melton Mowbray Navigation, in the county of Leicester, to Oakham, in the county of Rutland;' by which certain proprietors, incorporated as "The Company of Proprietors of the Oakham Canal," are authorized to raise £56,000, in shares of £100 each, for executing the same; and in case that should not be sufficient, they may obtain a further