Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/551

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Thorney and Hayling, as well as the said harbour at Langstone; and another canal from the said harbour at Milton Common in Portsea, to the Halfway Houses in the same parish and county of Southampton. By this act the proprietors are empowered to raise £126,000, in shares of £50 each, and a further sum of £40,000, if required, on mortgage of the works.

After this first act had been obtained, it was judged expedient to make certain parts of the main line of the canal from the Arun to Chichester Harbour capable of being used by vessels of one hundred tons burthen, and that from Langstone Harbour to Halfway Houses for ships of one hundred and fifty tons, the completion of which works would be materially furthered by an agreement between this company and the proprietors of the Wey and Arun Navigation; it was therefore determined to apply to parliament for the requisite authority, and a second act was in consequence obtained in 1819, under title of 'An Act for giving further Powers to the Company of Proprietors of the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation, and to the Company of Proprietors of the Wey and Arun Junction Canal, and to confirm an Agreement entered into between the said Companies.' By this act an agreement between the two companies, for mutual accommodation, was ratified, and the following adjudged, in lieu of former tolls, as the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation Company's on the part of the main line leading from Hunston Common to Chichester, and on the branch from the same place to Southgate, and from Milton Common to the Halfway Houses.


For all Dung, Chalk, Lime, Lime-stone, Marl and Manure 0s 3d per Ton, per Mile. 0s 2d
For all Chalk, Marl, Lime, Lime-stone, except when used for Manure, and for all other Goods, Wares, Merchandize and Things 0s 6d ditto. ditto. 0s 4d
For every Empty Boat, Barge or Vessel passing through any Lock on the said Canals, or either of them 1s 6d each per Lock . 1s 6d
For every Passenger in the same, not employed as Navigators therein 0s 2d ditto per Mile. 0s 2d
For every Package not exceeding Two Hundred Weight and addressed to different Persons 0s 1½d ditto. ditto. 0s 1d

Wharfage Rates may also be demanded for Goods shipped or landed in the said Lines, viz. Four-pence per Ton for the first Ten Days, and Three Half-pence per Ton for every subsequent Day they remain.

Fractions of a Ton and of a Mile to be taken as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.