Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/556

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The object of this railway is to facilitate the conveyance of the produce of the rich mineral district round Redruth for shipment.


52 Geo. III. C. 195, R. A. 13th July, 1812.

53 Geo. III. Cap. 32, R. A. 1.5th April, 1813.

56 Geo. III. C. 85, R. A. 2nd July, 1816.

59 Geo. III. Cap. 66, R. A. 14th June, 1819.

2 Geo. IV. C. 43, R. A. 19th April, 1821.

Commencing in the Paddington Branch of the Grand Junction Canal near the Harrow Road, and about one-third of a mile from the Edgeware Road, and proceeding to Maida Hill, it passes under the Edgeware Road by a short tunnel; thence crossing Grove Road, it arrives at Park Road, at the west angle of Regent's Park, near Mary-le-bone Chapel, thence passing Grove House and Portland Terrace, it runs eastward parallel to Primrose Hill Road; opposite the Zoological Gardens a branch runs southwards to Cumberland Market, where there is a basin, passing in its course the Horse Barracks and the Jews Harp. Following the main line from Water Meeting Bridge, near the Zoological Gardens, it proceeds eastward, crossing the Pancras Vale Road; then locking down, it again crosses another road called Camden Road, and the new road to Holloway; when passing the King's Road and Randolph's Prebends, it turns towards the south-east to Maiden Lane, whence it proceeds to Horsfall's Basin, a quarter of a mile from which place it enters the tunnel under White Conduit Street and the junction of the streets which communicate with the main and back road to Highgate; it next crosses the New River to Frog Lane, on the east of which is a lock, and also a branch, called the Basin, passing under the City Road; leaving Frog Lane Lock the main line continues its course eastward to the New North Road and Bridport Place. Running parallel with Felton Street, it leaves a second basin on its north bank, not far from Kingsland Road; from Kingsland Road it keeps an easterly course to a third basin, on its south bank, extending to the Imperial Gas Works; from this point it proceeds to the road leading from Margaret Street to London Fields; bending a little to the south, it crosses the Cambridge Heath Road; then diverging a little to the north east, it arrives at Old Ford Road, whence proceeding nearly south, it crosses Mile End Road; from Mile End Road it proceeds to