Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/566

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Gauges for regulating the quantity of water taken from the streams and rivulets near to the work, are to be fixed under the inspection of certain commissioners. No water, however, is to be taken from Hebden River or Cowder Beck. Owners of mines and coal works near the line may make collateral cuts or railways thereto, with the consent of the company. The Ashton Canal Company may make a communication between this canal and their own in Piccadilly, Manchester, so that they may at their junction be on the same level, and that no water be taken from the Rochdale to supply the Ashton Canal, but the waste water of both shall be conveyed by a tunnel into the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal.

At the junction between this canal and the Calder and Hebble Navigation, at Sowerby Bridge Wharf; the water of both must be on the same level for two hundred yards from the basin at that place. The Calder and Hebble Company are to build warehouses and wharfs for the Rochdale Company, for depositing goods on which, the latter company shall pay one half-penny per ton per day, except when frost or accidents prevent their removal. On neglect of the Calder and Hebble Company, the Rochdale or lords of manors and owners of land, may build wharfs and warehouses.

For making the canal, feeders, reservoirs and all other works connected with the same, the company may contribute amongst themselves £291,900, in shares of £100 each, interest on which at £5 per cent, is to be paid till the works are finished. And if the above suns should prove insufficient, they may raise £100,000 more by mortgage, or the admission of new subscribers. In consideration of the capital laid out, and providing for interest and other contingencies, they are empowered to demand the following tonnage and wharfage rates.


For all Lime, Lime.stone, Dung, Manure, Clay, Sand and Gravel, not passing any Lock ½d per Ton, per Mile.
For ditto, passing a Lock 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Coal, Cannel, Stone, except Lime-stone, and other Minerals, not passing a Lock 1d ditto. ditto.
For ditto, passing a Lock 1½d ditto. ditto.
For all Timber, Goods, Wares and other Merchandize, not passing any Lock 1½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto, passing a Lock 2d ditto. ditto.